My Daily Wallpaper - release notes

Version 7.00:
- new feature: add a local images directory. Now you can use your personal pics as random wallpapers!
- fixed rare bug: cannot use a wallpaper in case the path does not contains two slashes
- fixed some rare crash
- fixed the error reporting engine
- various code fix and bug fix

Version 6.72:
- automatic ZIP library download in case the file ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll is not present
- various code fix

Version 6.70:
- added a new registration method: SMS. Useful if you don't have a credit card or PayPal
- new error reporting system engine
- various code fix

Version 6.62:
- updated registration library code

Version 6.60:
- improved loading speed of wallpapers categories on startup
- updated registration code

Version 6.55:
- added a new registration method: download a temporary license code!
- removed third bundle software (I'm sorry, I didn't thought there was too many problems with the third software installed)
- updated internal libraries code

Version 6.50:
- (fixed) on some systems the systray icon is not visible after Windows logon (common Windows problem)
- added a skip button in the bundle pre-installation message: the third party software installation can be easily skipped
- fixed ini manager
- various fix

Version 6.43:
- updated the software installer

Version 6.42:
- (fixed) software updater may fails to update the exe
- (fixed) sometimes the bundle installer does not detect correctly the end of a succesful installation
- updated the software installer

Version 6.41:
- fixed and updated the software installer

Version 6.40:
- added a new registration method: now the software can be registered by installing a third party app. Useful for people that don't have PayPal.
- (fixed) software crash if temp directory cannot be created
- fixed the software updater check
- some minor improvements and fix

Version 6.31:
- fixed a potential (rare) bug on wallpaper url decoding
- (fixed) auto updater does not works on Windows 7 64 bit when executed on Windows startup
- changed the software updater module (fixed a possible incompatibility with Norton Power Eraser which may report a false positive)
- when a new version is available, the list of latest changes is shown in the same window
- some other updates

Version 6.20:
- network connection check on startup is verified using an alternate method (more fast)
- broken thumbnails/images are deleted and redownloaded
- new software updater: the next new versions will be downloaded and installed without the need to unzip manually!
- various fix
- recompiled with .NET Framework 3.5

Version 6.10:
- decreased memory usage from 650MB to 80MB ~
- to prevent a potential crash, the categories panel is blocked during wallpapers updates
- updated internal modules

Version 6.00:
- images can be zoomed and viewed in full size (just left click on them)!
- full screen image can be set as wallpaper or copied to clipboard (right click to show the menu)
- deviantART thumbnails are downloaded much more faster
- various fix & improvements

Version 5.50:
- images gallery dowloading speed increased by 500%! Now the gallery download only thumbnails instead of the full image (only on supported sites)
- gallery: images already saved doesn't have the black border
- preview wallpaper image is loaded more fast
- (fixed) high cpu usage when showing preview window
- (fixed) cannot download a new wallpaper after closing the preview window and deselecting the relative option
- (fixed) sometimes new version of wallpapers list / software is not detected on a network behind a proxy
- (fixed) sometimes the creation of a thumbnail fails to due a GDI+ error
- (fixed) sometimes an image thumbnail fails to load due to a file access violation error
- various fix & improvements

Version 5.35:
- in multi user systems, the wallpaper is changed only on the desktop of the logged user (as requested by some users) (now works also on W7 64 bit!)
- fixed a potential issue with firewall/proxy software which filter or modify web data

Version 5.31:
- due to incompatibility with Windows 7 64bit, I have removed the multi user support. Sorry.

Version 5.30:
- in multi user systems, the wallpaper is changed only on the desktop of the logged user (as requested by some users)
- images gallery remember the last used "groupby" type
- unused files in database are deleted to recover disk space
- (fixed) wrong error message reported while downloading images in gallery

WVersion 5.26:
- (fixed) update module cannot close software after downloading a new version (happen only on autostartup and with autoclose option not enabled)
- fixed a graphic element

Version 5.25:
- (fixed) if a second monitor is present (and have a higher resolution) a blank window is visible
- (fixed) wrong error message reported while deleting tmp directory
- some minor fix

Version 5.20:
- on autostartup, before downloading a wallpaper, the software wait for an internet connection (this resolve all network problems related to systems which requires some seconds to log into a lan).
- added a new option in the config: wait XX seconds before downloading a new wallpaper (only on autostartup). This is useful on low-end pc.
- the software now wait 5 seconds before trying to dowload a new wallpaper (only on autostartup and after a connection error)
- on autostartup the software verify proxy settings before downloading a wallpaper. This prevents user lock on pc connected to a lan due to password error.

Version 5.10:
- improved loading times of categories and wallpapers list
- updated internet module (improved error handling)
- modified button aspect, color and size in gallery
- (fixed) when stopping the download in gallery, the vertical bar of categories panel scroll to top
- some fix

Version 5.00:
- wallpaper can be previewed before applying it to Windows desktop (this feature can be disabled).
If you don't like the wallpaper, just click on the button and a new one will be downloaded.
This preview window can also be configured to autoclose after X seconds.
To change wallpaper immediately click on the image or on the apply button.
- images gallery form has been redesigned. It's more simple to browse galleries :)
- images gallery form can be resized
- various fix and improvements

Version 4.55:
- the dialog box shown on startup (when new categories / sites are added) can be disabled (see the relative option in the config)
- improved new categories dialog box
- various optimizations (more wait panels / category buttons disabled until operations are done)

Version 4.52:
- (fixed) on some foreign systems (i.e. Asian), the software font is not displayed using the correct type/size
- fixed the about window / info about wallpapers sites

Version 4.50:
- new categories display method: grouped by types or by sites. Now is much more simple to select same types of wallpapers!
- added a new parsing method. This new method is necessary to download correctly images from new wallpaper sites.
Update to 4.50 is necessary to avoid software errors. Older versions may now work correctly with new wallpaper sites.
- (fixed) incorrect setting value saved in .ini while selecting all categories (but works)
- various bugfix & code updates

Version 4.20:
- added an option to choose to automatically select or not new wallpapers categories added after wallpapers update
- added an option to disable the colorful background. This will increase performance of low end systems (Atom CPU)
- (fixed) categories panel cannot be created when reinstalling or moving the software to another directory and copying only the .ini
- (fixed) wallpapers cannot be viewed using the images gallery

Version 4.10:
- increased size of categories panel
- (fixed) wrong window size
- (fixed) wrong position of category description (random wallpaper)
- fixed a potential crash

Version 4.00:
- new categories and new wallpaper sites now are automatically updated via internet without the need to update also the software! (except for bugfix or new feature)
This will decrease the number of software updates and will increase new categories and wallpaper sites!
- new site: HD Wallpapers! With these categories: anime, celebrities, dreamy, movies and games
- new categories from SuperbWallpapers: aircraft, cars and bikes
- added buttons to select/deselect all categories
- (fixed - gallery): stop button remains enabled after the gallery finish to download all the images
- fixed a potential bug in the web parser (does not affect older versions)
- varius bugfix and improvements

Version 3.50:
- added new galleries (from landscapes and cities, movies and tv series, nature (animals)
- the images gallery is more fast! All the images are downloaded using separate threads
- the images download in gallery can be stopped
- autoclose time can be selected
- corrected the name of the systray icon (thanks to Guillermo!)
- (fixed) if the software is closed when the gallery is downloading images, the download process is not blocked
- various bugfix

Version 3.00:
- added a new site ( with new galleries: anime, celebrities, fantasy, games, girls and models (more galleries to come!)
- categories in gallery now are divided in section (by sites)

Version 2.80:
- added a colorful background :)
- a lot of low quality wallpapers have been filtered out (from categories people / animals and plants - other categories will be cleaned soon)
- (fixed - gallery) wrong resolution info when option "any wallpaper" is selected
- (fixed - gallery) when browsing deviantart galleries, site url is not displayed

Version 2.70:
- added new gallery: fantasy (from
- added a context menu in the wallpapers category: right click to select/deselect all categories

Version 2.60:
- added new gallery: various (from
- images gallery: current image resolution and site are shown in the images panel
- (fixed) during startup some buttons are enabled but may not work correctly
- (fixed) download progress bar in gallery is no more visible

Version in 2.50:
- added new galleries: anime, anime scenery, scenery and movie (from! This site has a lot of nice and hi-res wallpapers! (the galleries are enabled by default)
- images shown in browser gallery now can also be saved
- various fix

Version 2.20:
- added a new gallery: Desktoppr! This site has many very beautiful and hi-res wallpapers! (the gallery is enabled by default)
- (fixed) sometimes the random gallery displays the same image multiple times
- (fixed) if a thumbnail has been already downloaded, the software download it again
- various fix

Version 2.00:
- new feature: browse all galleries! 4 random pictures are not enough? Don't worry, this with new feature you can browse 20 pictures per category!
- (fixed) after updating to v1.75/1.80, option autoclose after 10 minutes does not work anymore (thanks to Phill for reporting the bug)

Version 1.80:
- added a new gallery: National Geographic! (enabled by default)
- increased timeout while downloading wallpapers list

Version 1.74:
- bugfix (introduced in version 1.70): Windows shutdown is blocked with an alert msg saying that My Daily Wallpaper is blocking it. The problem has been correctly fixed
- if the wallpapers list is corrupted (while unzipping) the software does not report anymore an error and retry to download it from a mirror

Version 1.70:
- new feature: change wallpaper every X hours (as requested by Ivan)! Useful if your pc is always on :)
- added mirror support for the wallpapers list (to not overload the main server)

Version 1.62:
- increased retry time when downloading a wallpaper and an error is found (wallpaper not present / network error)
- various fix

Version 1.60:
- when downloading thumbnails for the random wallpapers gallery and an error is found, the software now retry to download a new wallpaper instead of showing a blank image
- (fixed) "set as wallpaper" is clickable on startup even if "update random gallery at startup" is not active
- (fixed) author's info are not shown when setting a wallpaper in random gallery
- fixed category name in author's details
- added category name in random gallery
- various bugfix

Version 1.50:
- added a random wallpapers gallery!
- wallpapers resolutions and various options has been moved to a new config window
- new reporting error engine (currently limited to errors related to unavailable wallpapers)
- (fixed) option "check for software updates" is not saved
- (fixed) option "keep a copy of downloaded wallpaper" is not saved
- (fixed) when checking for updates on software startup, systray msg is not displayed even if option "show systray msgs" is active
- (fixed) during manual download if a wallpaper is not found the software report immediately an error instead of retry
- (fixed) incorrect filename for some wallpapers
- many bug fix
Version 1.02:
- (fixed) option "hide systray msgs" is not checked even if it's active (but works)

Version 1.00:
- first release!
(C) 2011 / 2024 My Portable Software - All rights reserved
Site revision v1.81